Sant’Antioco’s hidden treasures: is Pirixeddus punic necropolis

On the occasion of the European Heritage Days 2015, the Punic necropolis situated at Is Pirixeddus in Sant’Antioco has been exceptionally re-opened to public, just for a day. Visitors had the chance to visit this amazing beauty (photo credits Carlo Eustacchi) In ’98 there were stability problems and the necropolis has been closed for restoration works […]

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Open Caves (Gruttas Obertas) in the underground village, Sant’Antioco Island

Among the necropolis of Punic age in Sardinia, on Sant’Antioco island there is the most important one for the vastness of the funeral plant and for the complexity of the architectural and archaeological remains found in the graves during excavations. From 1754 to the 60s of the last century, Punic tombs were elected as private […]

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