Holy Week in Sant’Antìoco

I just came back from my Holy Week in Sant’Antìoco. It was amazing for the warm and sunny weather, the good food we ate and the solemn processions we followed. Since it took me a while to understand what was going on in town on that week, I decided to sum everything up in a […]

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Our Easter in Sant’Antìoco 

Tonight we are headed to Sant’Antìoco. We are travelling by ferryboat with our two little kids.  We chose Moby lines because they are designed with all Looney Tunes characters and they have many activities to entertain them on board.  Besides their cabins are very comfortable as we’ll be spending the night on the boat.  You […]

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Easter in Sant’Antioco

Easter break is approaching. Did you know that in Sant’Antioco, the island in the island of Sardinia, the religious rites of the Holy Week are particularly felt? The Good Friday procession, mold Catalan, is a very suggestive one. Easter morning is held the ritual of ” Su Incontru “, “the encounter”: the Risen Christ and […]

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